Weddings are one of the most magical experiences we have in life. When we got married, we soaked up every minute of it. We also knew, we really enjoyed it! That's when the idea was sparked...let's have our own wedding venue and bring fairy tale dreams to life!
Fast forward a few years and the search finally began for the perfect property. We knew we wanted something truly special and if we were going to do this, we were going to wait until we could do it right. While following the incredible page "for the love of old houses"on Facebook, we were constantly served up unique and interesting properties all across the world. Finally we see a place pop up that "could be it!". We never expected to actually find a property via this page but wouldn't you know a place popped up right here in TN! We went immediately, made an offer, wrote a letter, reached out to the owner, and every other thing we could do to guarantee we got it....and we didn't.
At this point we were heartbroken and wondered if we would ever find a place that special again. The very next Saturday we are out to dinner and I get a text from my hometown friend and realtor with some photos. It's a farmhouse! Not only is it a farmhouse, it is a really really incredible farmhouse with unbelievable character. We plug in the address to see where it is and nearly drop my my phone when I see the distance pop up...3.7 miles. Are you kidding?! The universe truly does tend to unfold as it should. As you can imagine, we knew from missing out on the last house that we needed to act fast.
Yup, you guessed was The Delrose Farmhouse. Our dreams came true and we hope to do the same for you! It's now February 2022 and transformation is underway to turn this already unique and special property into one of Knoxville's most timeless and intimate venues. It's going to be a long road but we can't wait to perfect this wonderful home and preserve this timeless piece of history. We look forward to sharing the journey!